中科院近代物理研究所 物理学专业 博士(2004-2009)
内蒙古民族大学 物理学专业 学士(2000-2004)
周丽宏, 郭超, 胡净净, 董金皋. 一种监测Cd2+在植物叶片内聚集的方法 (专利授权号 CN111122461A)
C Guo, JJ Hu, WQ Gao, PP Gao, ZY Cao, N Liu, X Wang, WJ Liu, JJ Zhao, JG Dong, GM Genin, LH Zhou; Mechanosensation triggers enhanced heavy metal ion uptake by non-glandular trichomes. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2022.426:127983 (一区, IF=14.224)
LH Zhou, SB Liu, PF Wang, TJ Lu, F Xu, GM Genin, BG Pickard; The Arabidopsis trichome is an active mechanosensory switch. Plant Cell & Environment. 2017.40(5):611-621 (一区, IF =7.96期刊封面论文)
H Liu, LH Zhou, JJ Jiao, SB Liu, F Xu; Gradient mechanical properties facilitate Arabidopsis trichome as mechanosensor. ACS Applied Material Interfaces. 2016.8:9755- 9761 (一区, IF =10.383)